Our Pastor
Pastor Dave and Patty are celebrating 53 years of married life. It was love at first sight, for him. He wore her down. Their secret to marriage…“Loving God, Loving each other”. They have three grown sons and six grandchildren ranging in age from 4 - 20 years.
They have been part of Somerset First family since 1966, although David answered a CALL to ministry, which turned into a 16 year MINISTRY at Milford UMC. He received an undergrad degree from Morehead State University in Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Science, Master(s) in Counselor Education, Principals Certification.
We helped organize a community college in Somerset County. Dave has taught in the undergrad level (Sociology , Psychology, Thanatos) and graduate level for Cal University of PA.
Patty is an accomplished artist, gardener, and leader in church children’s ministries. David’s academic career (38 years) as counselor, coach, student government advisor, and principal. He loves music, fishing, chip carving…. and teaching God’s WORD. He has many years of instructing Confirmation, Youth Sunday School, and Vacation Bible School. Both are avid readers.
David was active in Flight 93 family ministry and wrote a book on those endeavors, “FROM TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH”.
David really dislikes wasting time, especially now as his own clock is measured now in days/months….not years ahead.
The WCA movement made a strong impression and the couple has been active since its inception. As GMC has evolved, many churches and pastors in the area have been RE-juvenated, RE-energized, RE-created, and once again feel freedom’s CALL to real ministry.