We Live, We Love, We Serve
Somerset First United Methodist began in 1865, this historic church has battled many changes, growth peaks, and some valleys. It stands on the shoulders of many saints who have gone before us. During and after COVID, we grew bigger in numbers and spiritually. We added services broadcast via Facebook, and now average 100 in three worship services and 200 via Facebook.
While the culture around us may be changing, often too rapidly for yours truly...God is still in charge. His Word never changes. Our faces change with age; members move on to their eternal home, new faces get added as they enter our community of faith. God's Word is the baseline! Our prayer life is our LIFELINE to God. With the change to Global, we lost no members via disaffiliation.
When you look into First Church and see the light shining thru the stained glass Jesus, it gives you a positive sense of what goes on inside these doors. When you are inside you get the sense of Jesus calling us to GO FORTH (thru the same window).
Realtors and business folks say the top three things to consider are location, location, location. Our location is ideal in so many ways, and we are often the facility used for Advent and Lenten services for the entire community. Various pastors and musicians volunteer to give these two (2) seasons a real ecumenical feel.